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Benefits of Online Training

Time efficiency-  For anyone that has worked with a trainer before understands the challenges that arise with finding times that best fit the client and trainer. This is no longer an issue because you can workout with your trainer at best time that suits you!

Cost Effective- We all know Personal Training is a luxury, and not everyone can afford to see a trainer a couple of times per week. If you purchase my Gold package, it will still be cheaper than seeing me in person 2-3 times per week.

Results, Results, Results!!- How are your current workouts treating you? Are you where you want to be? Are you doing the same exercises over and over? Probably getting boring, huh? Do you know how to progress yourself to the next level in an exercise without always increasing weight? Expect your workouts to always be challenging and learning something new. There is more to just picking things up and back down. Make your workouts fun and exciting again!

Why Online Personal Training?


Custom Training Programming-Each program is made after you have your consultation with me. The program is built based on your needs, goals and time frame. Any previous injuries or mobility issues will be taken into account when programming. My goal is to get your body structurally sound to make it as efficient as it can be. This will help in getting you stronger, burning fat and building muscle while staying injury free. 

Nutritional Support- If you want results, then nutrition is essential, you can't out train a bad diet! I will not only guide you on how much, when, and what to eat, but educate you at the same time so you feel confident and can adjust to any situation you find yourself in.  “Give a man a fish, he will eat for one day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for the rest of his life.” The same goes for nutrition.

Email, Skype and Facetime support- Weekly check-ins to discuss, answer questions, and plan for the upcoming weeks. Communication is key to help me get you results.  Plus it keeps you accountable and motivated.

And there's more!!!! All the workouts will be on your phone and accessible no matter where you are via a free client app, progress tracking, video demos, mobile friendly, real-time support and social fitness integration. You'll have your own personal trainer in your pocket!!

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    2018 NobleVitality

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